You won ' t believe where salvadoran prison officials found these cell phones 你不会相信萨尔瓦多狱官是在哪找到这些手机的。
You won ' t believe where salvadoran prison officials found these cell phones 你很难相信萨尔瓦多的狱警是在哪里发现这些手机的。
You won ' t believe where salvadoran prison officials found these cell phones 你绝对不相信萨尔瓦多狱警是从何处发现这些手机的。
You won ' t believe where salvadoran prison officials found these cell phones 你不会相信萨尔瓦多监狱官方从那里找到了这些手机。
You won ' t believe where salvadoran prison officials found these cell phones 你无法想象萨尔瓦多监狱工作人员是在哪儿发现这些手机的。
4 you won ' t believe where salvadoran prison officials found these cell phones 你肯定无法相信萨尔瓦多监狱的看守在那里找到的这些手机。
You won ' t believe where salvadoran prison officials found these cell phones ? inside 4 prisoners ' intestines 你不会相信萨尔瓦多监狱里的警员在哪里发现了这些手机的?在4名囚犯的肠道里!
The funds will be used to purchase medicinal supplies and medical facilities to help the salvadorans fight against dengue fever and other related diseases 捐款将用于添购医疗设施及药品以协助萨尔瓦多人民对抗登革热及其衍生病症。
Costa rican fellow practitioners who were in charge of the funds teamed up with san salvadoran initiates to form a network of human and material resources , and thus bring master s loving concern to the quake victims 由哥斯大黎加同修组成的赈灾团,带著救济金,与萨尔瓦多同修会合,结合所有的人力物力资源,大家满怀毅力和爱心,来到灾区慰问灾民。