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用"safaga"造句"safaga"怎么读"safaga" in a sentence


  • 萨法加港(埃及)
  • 萨法贾


  • Police used tear gas monday to disperse the crowds besieging offices of the as salam maritime company , outside the egyptian port of safaga
  • Police used tear gas monday to disperse the crowds besieging offices of the as salam maritime company , outside the egyptian port of safaga
  • The ships " remains were found during a five - year excavation of five caves south of the red sea port of safaga , about 300 miles southeast of cairo , the chairman of the supreme council , zahi hawass , said in a statement late thursday
  • The massive complex , made up of six human - made caves , islocatedat wadi gawasis , a small desert bluff on the red sea nearthemodern city of port safaga . according to cheryl ward , floridastateuniversity archaeologist and part of the excavation team , theageof the finds is remarkable
  • The massive complex , made up of six human - made caves , is located at wadi gawasis , a small desert bluff on the red sea near the modern city of port safaga . according to cheryl ward , florida state university archaeologist and part of the excavation team , the age of the finds is remarkable
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