A masochism talks to a sadism : come on , bang me ! however , the sadism says : no way 受虐狂对虐待狂说:快虐待我吧!虐待狂说:我不!
It doesn ' t matter that the children will watch rubbishy commercials or spectacles of sadism and violence ? so long as they are quiet 至于孩子看的是垃圾商业剧亦或是悲情和暴力的大观已经无所谓了-只要他们安静就行。
It doesn ' t matter that the children will watch rubbishy commercials and spectacles of sadism and violence - - - so long as they are quiet 孩子们也许会看无聊的商业广告或是暴力和性虐待等场面,但是这些都无关紧要只要他们规规矩矩呆着就行。
sexual pleasure obtained by inflicting harm (physical or psychological) on others
sadismとは意味:sadism n. サディズム, 加虐性愛. 【動詞+】 ◆satisfy sb's sadism 人の加虐性愛を満足させる ◆The gratuitous cruelty of the remark showed a certain sadism. 必要もないような冷酷な言葉はある種のサディズムを示していた. 【前置詞+】 ◆There is a streak of sadism in her ...