Information and documentation . romanization of chinese 信息和文献.汉语罗马化
Kana scrip documentation . romanization of japanese kana scrip 文献.日文的罗马字体
Specification for the romanization of japanese 日语罗马化拼写规范
Names of nationalities of china in romanization with codes 中国各民族名称的罗马字母拼写法和代码
Guide to the romanization of chinese 中文的拉丁化指南
Courses for non - native chinese speakers use pinyin or romanization in the teaching materials 1 . q .我适合对外汉语还是对华汉语系列?
Starting from lesson 3b , you may not use romanization ( rooma - zi ) for lesson quizzes and vocabulary quizzes 从第三课b开始的单元测验和单字测验不可使用罗马拼音。
In order to have a function of teaching chinese language as well , it includes chinese characters , pinyin romanization , and english translation 为了兼有中文教学的作用,内容包括汉字、拼音、和英文翻译。