Purification and separation of style s - rnases fro 方程组的显式精确解
Cloning and expression of self - incompatibility related s - rnase gene in apricot 中的表达及抗血清的制备
Effect of exogenous spermine on proteinase and rnase in wheat seedling under water stress 外源精胺对水分胁迫下小麦幼苗蛋白酶和核糖核酸酶活性的影响
Construction and expression of rnase - resisting virus - like particles containing partial sequence of alpha - fetoprotein messenger rna 部分序列的耐核糖核酸酶病毒样颗粒的构建和表达
The egs can be covalently linked to ml rna , the catalytic rna subunit of rnase p , forming a new kind of ribozyme , m1gs 将egs共价连接到m1rna的3末端成为附属于m1rna的一段引导序列,称为gs 。
Compared with ribonuclease a , the ribonuclease activity of ang is very low , but is very important to promote new endothelia proliferation Ang的rnase活性很低,但它裂解rna的活性对于它的血管生成活性非常重要。
Rnase p can be directed to cleave any rna when the target mrna is in a complex with a short , complementary oligonucleotide called an external guide sequence ( egs ) 能与mrna形成rnasep识别的底物形式的小片段rna称为外部引导序列egs ( externalguidesequence ) 。
Rnase p from e . coli is a ribonucleoprotein complex responsible for the 5 " maturation of trnas . the smallest substrate contains two important parts : ncca - 3 " terminal and rna helix area Rnasep是结构识别酶, m1rna底物至少包括两个要件: 1游离ncca - 3末端; 2特异互补的双链rna区域。
After dialysis , the recombinant gst - ri was purified by rnase a - sepharose 4b affinity chromatography , and the single band of gst - ri was showed on a sds - electrophoresis gel to remove the extra urea 复性的gst一班经knasea - sepharose4b亲合层析纯化, sds一page鉴定得到单一的gst一rj条带。
Angiogenin ( ang ) is a small monomer which universally exists in tissues and cells . angiogenin belonging to ribonuclease superfamily has 35 % homologous sequences with ribonuclease a ( rnase a ) 血管生长因子( angiogenin , ang )是一个小的单聚蛋白,与rnasea是同系物,在组织和细胞中分布广泛。