

  • 内河船



  • 例句与用法
  • A riverboat with a keel but without sails , used for carrying freight
  • A flat - bottomed riverboat
  • Mark twain riverboat
  • He ' d been chased off of a riverboat in louisiana and watched a teammate kicked out of a las vegas casino
  • Louis armstrong , who had played without instruction before he traveled on a riverboat , was taught to read music by a horn player on the s . s . sidney
  • Catch the ferry from the zoo to the aquarium of the americas . you dont have to be a riverboat captain to participate in the rich trade culture . you can shop beside the river in the busy and colorful riverwalk mall
    在本世纪初,爵士乐成为一股音乐主流,路易斯萨莫阿姆斯特朗louis satchmu armstrong登上新奥尔良爵士乐宗师的宝座,
  • After continental breakfast depart hotel for a sternwheeler cruise . join a third generation riverboat for a cruise on the only authentic operating sternwheeler in alaska , the discovery . on a scenic 20 - mile roundtrip cruise down the chena and tanana rivers , enjoy a lively narration as you view a bush plane s performance , log homes , and a trapper s cabin
  • One of the more interesting trips that i have had in my life was cruising down the nile river . i flew to luxor , egypt and then boarded a little riverboat where you can cruise down the nile river and you can see the various sites that are along the nile . it concludes at the aswan dam
    我不能,但?能,我一生中进行过最有趣的一次航程,就是尼罗河之旅,我搭飞机前往luxor ,登上一艘小船,类似我们在密西西比河搭的那种船,船上有些小小的房间,我们沿著尼罗河航行,欣赏沿岸的风光,航程最后在aswan水坝结束, aswan水坝在1960年开始施工, 1972年竣工。
  • Named after the popular 19th century american author whose stories about life on the mississippi river are now regarded as classics , the mark twain riverboat s ornate decoration and authentic design captures the look , period ambiance , refinement and dignity of a stately paddlewheel steamboat
  • Then it objectively discusses the unfavorable factors of western areas facing up to the western development after analyzing opportunities and challenges , which china ' s access to wto and the tenth five - year plan brings about . furthermore , on the basis of persisting in the principle of development of inland waterway transport , this paper forecasts the trends of development of inland waterway transport including the amount of passenger and freight transport in 2010 and the type of riverboat in western areas
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