A wisconsin man visiting a state park took home the ultimate souvenir : a 5 . 47 - carat canary diamond . bob wehle of ripon , wis . , found the diamond at the crater of diamonds state park in murfreesboro oct . 14 目前居住在威斯康星州里彭市的鲍勃威勒是在10月14日游览坐落在阿肯色州钻石坑公园时找到那颗钻石的。
Bob wehle of ripon , wis . , found the diamond at the crater of diamonds state park in murfreesboro oct . 14 . the park is the world s only publicly operated diamond site where visitors are allowed to search and keep any gems they find 该公园是当今世界上惟一一个允许来访者公开挖掘的钻石蕴藏地,按照规定,游客们不仅可以在园内动手寻宝,而且还能将其所寻觅到的“战利品”收归己有
Bob wehle of ripon , wis . , found the diamond at the crater of diamonds state park in murfreesboro oct . 14 . the park is the world ' s only publicly operated diamond site where visitors are allowed to search and keep any gems they find 该公园是当今世界上惟一一个允许来访者公开挖掘的钻石蕴藏地,按照规定,游客们不仅可以在园内动手寻宝,而且还能将其所寻觅到的“战利品”收归己有