They came not only from china but also malacca , the riau islands and other places in the region 他们不仅来自中国,还来自马六甲廖内群岛和本区域其他地方。
" i am proud that the world s richest forest , tesso nilo , is located in the riau province 廖岛省长salehdjasit表示:对于全球最富饶的热带雨林tesso nilo位于廖内省,我深感自豪。
I welcome anyone to come to riau , learning to appreciate this biodiversity richness , " said the governor of riau , h . e 这些天然遗产应该得到保护,欢迎大家莅临廖内,欣赏这里多样化的生物。
Since it began operations in the 1980s , app has pulped close to a million hectares of riau s natural forests 金光集团自1980年代开始营业以来,已把廖内群岛riau接近100万公顷的天然森林变成纸浆。
Sales in china mainland for " riaupulp mth " , " riaupulp acacia " bleached hardwood pulp from riau andalan pulp and paper , indonesia “中基亚太”希望同全国的新老客户在互惠互利的基础上加强合作,共创美好明天
" however , situations in riau are complex , and i am prepared to support all parties involved to come up with agreeable solutions . 然而,由于廖内的处境复杂,故此任何人如能提出令人满意的解决办法,我将全力支持。
Wwf s latest report details how app s " forest protection based on legal compliance " has destroyed about a third of the forest lost in riau 世界自然基金会最新发行的报告,详述金光集团如何在法例要求范围内保护森林的原则下摧毁廖内群岛三份之一的森林。
Such collaboration has already led the indonesia forestry ministry to issue a decree establishing an elephant conservation centre in riau and halt to natural forest conversion 在双方通力合作下,印尼林业局颁布法令,在廖内群岛兴建大象保育中心,同时禁止将天然森林改作其他用途。