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  • 录音工业协会
  • 美国唱片行业协会
  • 美国唱片业协会
  • 全美唱片业联合会


  • Riaa recording industry association of america
  • Riaa recording industry association of america
  • Input capacity adjustable in three stages 100 pf , 250 pf and 430 pf
  • Metallica is currently 18th on the riaa ' s list of top selling acts in the united states
    “金属”乐队现时位于美国唱片行业协会( riaa )美国本土最畅销音乐排行的第18位。
  • Browse for books on these and other technical topics . peter seebach has been sharing libraries ever since kindergarten , and continues to believe that the idea is basically sound , although the recording industry association of america riaa doesn t agree with him
    Peter seebach从很早以前就开始使用共享程序库,并一直坚信这是最基本的方法,尽管recording industry association of america ( riaa )不同意他的观点。
  • The group performs two songs - " independent women part i " and " dot " - on the best - selling charlie s angels - music from the motion picture . to date , destiny s child has been awarded a total of 13 gold , platinum , and multiplatinum certifications from the riaa for " no , no , no " gold , platinum , destiny s child gold , platinum , " bills , bills , bills " gold , " say my name " gold and the writing s on the wall gold , 6x platinum
    另外, destiny s child于2000年底首次担当重任为全美卖座冠军电影" charlie s angels霹雳娇娃"演唱的主题曲independent women part 1 ,不仅一举拿下全美单曲排行11周冠军,成为横跨2000 , 2001年的跨世纪冠军单曲,并以首周空降全英排行冠军宝座之势,不仅成为1989年以来首支登上该宝座的美国女子组合,更成为有史以来第一个空降英国排行1席次的美国女子团体!
  • Released on july 27 , 1999 , the writing s on the wall was certified 7x platinum by the riaa as of february 26 , 2001 . the writing s on the wall debuted at 6 on the billboard 200 album chart . nine months after its release , the album was 5 on the chart , having just experienced its best sales week ever
    Destiny s child的首张同名专辑中,除了收录有首支排行榜3名单曲no , no , no外,还有多首由乐坛的当红人物参与谱写制作的作品,包括了tony toni tone s的dwayne wiggins所制作的second naturekilling timebridges等歌,其中killing time已率先被全美票房冠军电影" mib星际战警"相中,收录至其原声带中率先曝光。
  • The drm service will adopt the international organization for standardization approved system which is also backed by organizations like the recording industry association of america riaa , warner bros . , universal music group etc . with this platform , content creators , large or small , can utilize the latest international - standard drm solutions with minimum efforts and investments to distribute contents on these fast - growing channels and new distribution modes . this platform also provides the dv service for the content creators to archive their works safely , permanently and easily


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