Always revalidate user input in the business layer of your application 始终应在应用程序的业务层中对用户输入进行重新验证。
Do you undertake to revalidate products and processes periodic after 1st off approval 在首次认可之后你们是否负责定期重新验证产品和工艺流程?
The regulated agent or airline should revalidate a known consignor aviation security declaration not more than 3 years 管制代理人或航空公司需在不少于三年内更新已知托运人声明。
Before the request can be satisfied by an intermediate cache , that cache must revalidate its cached entry with the server 在可以通过中间缓存满足该请求之前,该缓存必须通过服务器重新验证其缓存项。
File - blocks cache ? when a file is opened , the kernel checks with the remote server whether to fetch or revalidate the cached attributes 文件块缓存-当一个文件被打开时,内核与远程服务器一起检查是否取或重新设置缓冲的属性。
If you want to make a return journey , please revalidate your octopus card or buy a new single - ride ticket . thank you for using the light rail services 如需要回程之乘客,请再重新确认八达通卡或购买单程票,多谢你使用轻铁服务。
However , support for this directive is potentially costly to performance and also requires that sql server revalidate all instances of 但是,对此指令的支持可能会严重的影响性能,同时要求sql server重新验证与重新定义的架构相关联的
If trilinear filtering is requested for a texture involved in multitexture blending operations and validation fails , turn off trilinear filtering and revalidate 如果请求对涉及多纹理混合操作的纹理进行三线性筛选,并且验证失败,请关闭三线性筛选,然后重新验证。
For instance , even after a user has been validated and assigned a session id , you should revalidate that user when he or she performs any highly sensitive actions , such as resetting passwords 例如,即使在一个用户经过身份验证并分配了一个会话id之后,在它执行一个高度敏感的动作例如修改密码时,仍然要重新验证身份。