He got congress to appropriate $25 million to resettle destitute families on farms . 他叫国会拨款二千五百万美元在农村安置贫困的家庭。
A comparative analysis of the ways of resettling peasants who have lost their land 现有失地农民安置方式的比较分析
Foundational work for development-oriented resettle-ment of hydro project 论水利水电工程开发性移民的若干基础性工作
Discussion on compensation for income loss of resettled population for qiafuqihai reservoir 对恰甫其海水库移民收入损失补偿的探讨
Thinking about the methodology of building the theory of transmigrants and resettling with chinese characteristics 对中国特色移民理论建构的方法论思考
The resettlement fee shall be calculated according to the number of agricultural population to be resettled 征用耕地的安置补助费,按照需要安置的农业人口数计算。
On the establishment and perfection of procedural legal system of resettling persons accomplished reform-through-labour 论刑释解教人员安置帮教工作程序性法律制度的建立和完善
Unhcr's predecessor, the international refugee organization ( iro ) helped one million europeans to resettle overseas 联合国难民署的前身??国际难民组织??帮助了100万欧洲人在海外定居。
Article 37 with respect to a person released after serving his sentence, the local people's government shall assist him in resettling down 第三十七条对刑满释放人员,当地人民政府帮助其安置生活。
Article 37dith respect to a person-released afterxerving his sentence, the local people's government shall assist rvyai him in resettling down 第三十七条对刑满释放人7595,当地人?政府帮助其安置生活。