n. 1.要求,请求,命令,必要条件;【国际法】引渡犯人的要求。 2.需要;【军事】征购,征用,征发。 3.通知书;调拨单;申请书,请求书;召唤书。
be in [under] requisition 另有需要,现在无空。 bring [call, place] into requisition =put in requisition =lay under requisition 征收,征发,征用。 requisition of land 征用土地。 vt. 要求,强制使用;【军事】征发;命令征发;召集。
The town hall was requisitioned as army headquarters . 市政厅征用作了军队的指挥部。
He and his books were in frequent requisition as to property confiscated and made national . 他和他的册籍屡屡被调去检查收归国有的财产。
Secretaries cleared for very secret were rare, so the british purchasing council had requisitioned her for a while . 经过甄别能担任“绝密”工作的秘书是不多的,所以英国采购团暂时征用了她。
Introspection to the system of land requisition in china 我国土地证用制度的反思
Reform the system of requisition rural land 强制性征用土地制度的微观经济学分析
Handling of vendor requisitions and purchase orders 采购需求单及采购单之相连关系
Disadvantages in requisition of land and improvement 我国土地征用制度的弊端及完善
A reasonable review of current land requisition system 现行土地征用制度的理性反思
On the purpose of public welfare in requisition land 土地征用中的公共利益界定
We ' ll wait till it ' s dark and then requisition one 我们可以等到天黑然后征用一条
seizing property that belongs to someone else and holding it until profits pay the demand for which it was seized 同义词:sequestration,
an official form on which a request in made; "first you have to fill out the requisition" 同义词:requisition form,
the act of requiring; an authoritative request or demand, especially by a military or public authority that takes something over (usually temporarily) for military or public use
make a formal request for official services
demand and take for use or service, especially by military or public authority for public service
A requisition is a request for something, especially a formal written request on a pre-printed form.
requisitionとは意味:1requisition n. (軍隊などによる)徴発, 徴用; 請求, 要求, 要請; 調達請求書; 使用. 【動詞+】 ◆It will take three weeks to fill your requisition for automobile parts. 車の部品のご注文に応じるには 3 週間かかります ◆The army made a requisition on the vill...