An analysis on repricing executive stock option 经理股票期权的重新定价分析
Well, now the repricing is at hand, and it is not goingto be fun 好了,现手握重新定价的利器,却发现并不是那么有趣。
So far, though, the financial wobbles, however unnerving, look like a healthy repricing of risk 但到目前为止,金融波动尽管令人无限沮丧,但看来不失为一种健康的风险重估。
Boards will also be concerned about knock-on effects from the us subprime mortgage market, which has sparked a wider crisis in credit markets and forced a repricing of risk generally 这些公司的董事会还会担心美国次级抵押贷款市场产生的连锁反应。这场动荡已经在信贷市场引发了范围更广的危机,并迫使市场普遍对风险重新定价。
The repricing of risks and the inevitable boost in insurance and security-related expenditure by both the public and private sectors were likely to have long-term macroeconomic effects . members also noted the deteriorating situation in japan 公营部门及私营机构对风险重新定价,以及保险和有关保安的开支无可避免地增加,都可能对宏观经济构成长远影响。
Jean-claude trichet, the president of the european central bank, said at davos that investors needed to prepare for a repricing of assets because of potentially unstable conditions . “ we don't know fully where the risks are located, ” he added 欧洲央行行长特里谢在达沃斯警告说投资者需要做好准备,潜在的不稳定因素可能导致资产重新定价,他还补充道“我们并不完全清楚有哪些风险。”
It arises from differences between the timing of rate changes and the timing of cash flows ( repricing risk ); from changing rate relationships among yield curves that affect bank activities ( basis risk ); from changing rate relationships across the spectrum of maturities ( yield curve risk ); and from interest-rate-related options embedded in bank products ( option risk ) 从利率市场化的构成要件出发来分析,本部分主要包括三个方面:(1)我国利率市场化进程。主要分析了我国尚未实现利率市场化的几个方面、在利率市场化改革进程中的主要事件以及对我国利率改革的重要意义。(2)银行改革是影响利率市场化主要因素。