The native set of tags offers no way to repetitively execute a set of tasks 原有的标签集没有提供任何可以反复执行一组任务的手段。
Again, the processor takes care of the repetition by calling your template repetitively 同样,处理器负责重复调用模板解决重复问题。
Visual basic loop structures allow you to run one or more lines of code repetitively visualbasic循环结构允许您重复运行一行或多行代码。
Automated testing saves you the time and effort of performing the same test steps repetitively 自动测试可以节省重复执行相同测试步骤的时间和精力。
Experimental research of repetitively nanosecond-pulse breakdown in air under non-uniform electric field 极不均匀电场下重复频率纳秒脉冲气体击穿实验研究
And what's more ? even the computer doesn't forget to say " thank you " and it doesn't mind saying it repetitively 而且,电脑总忘不了表示一下“感谢光临”,表示多少次也不厌烦。
Remember tasks that occur repetitively, such as weekly meetings, status reporting, and anticipated revision work 记住重复发生的任务,譬如每周例会、状态报告和预期的修订工作。
You are not inclined to rote learning and repetition, nor are you inclined to repetitively practice or execute the same sequence over and over again 你不会死记硬背、也不会重复操练或者一遍遍地做同一件事。
Thick layers of silicate glasses can be formed by repetitively using this technique . waveguide structures can be fabricated by sintering the sample at certain temperature 通过多次使用这种方法可以形成厚的硅酸盐玻璃膜层,最后样品在一定温度下烧结得到波导结构。
Avoid over-loading the joints during housework . for example, avoid using the same joint repetitively or carrying heavy loads . otherwise the soft tissues of the joints could be damaged easily 处理家务时要避免令关节过劳,例如避免重复使用单一个关节及提取过重物品,否则关节组织很容易受到破坏。