The law of the fang is not repealed . 弱肉强食的规律并没有过时哩。
The legislature repealed the unpopular rent act ... 立法机关废除了不得人心的租借法案。
It is that the stamp act be repealed absolutely, totally, and immediately . 印花税法必须绝对地、完全地、立即地废除。
An amendment outlawing sale of intoxicating liquors(1920)was repealed in 1933 . 规定售卖酒类为非法的一个宪法修正案(一九二年)在一九三三年被废止。
Even after prohibition was repealed she served only beer at her private dinner parties, and hated to do that . 即使在“禁酒令”被取消以后,她的私人宴会也只是上些啤酒,就连这样的事情也使她讨厌。
Here is a law of the united states, not even pretended to be unconstitutional, repealed by the authority of a small majority of the voters of a single state . 现在,一个甚至连假托违宪都没有的联邦法律,却被仅一个州稍过半数的选民权力撤消了。
30 . repeal of land development corporation ordinance 30.土地发展公司条例的废除
The bill seek to repeal the existing legislation 该议案企图废除现存的有关立法。
In section 7, by repealing " or " at the end 在第7c条中,废除在末处的“或”
Designation of public funeral hall repeal order 2002 2002年公众殡仪厅指定废除令