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用"renda"造句"renda"怎么读"renda" in a sentence


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  • Full reprint of periodical papers on china ' s library science and intelligence science by renda copied files : a numerical analysis
  • “ after shaking hands with renda , we are friends for ever . ” all the employee of renda will innovate and exploit constantly and give the best product to the customer
  • “ cpr and the urbanization of western canada ” , world history , renda social science center , no . 1 , 2000 ; also in journal of history theory study , no . 4 , 1999
    《加拿大太平洋铁路与西部的城市化》 ,载《史学理论研究》 , 1999年第4期;人大资料中心《世界史》转载, 2000年第1期。
  • And the generalized homothetic composite action of metallogenic subsystems mentioned above formed the multiple - composite metallogenic system of the jiangda tectonic belt . the typical ore deposits of jiangda tectonic belt , such as dingqinnong , jiaduoling , renda etc , are contact metasomatic type deposits formed intracontinental rifting stage , and the tectonic - magmatic - hydrotherm of intracontinental orogenic stage superposed and rebuilt some preexistent ore body . their space distribution is controlled by composite intrusive rock belt of ne direction
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