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用"relevantly"造句"relevantly"怎么读"relevantly" in a sentence"relevantly"的同义词


  • 贴切地
  • 有关地
  • 中肯地


  • With the degree in the competition increasing , the importance of patent work increases relevantly
  • Its author , si - ma qien pointed out that huaji - ists are witty and speak relevantly to solve conflicts ( bai - hua shi - ji 1985 : 1675 )
  • We must take culture environment art design as an whole system , researched space relevantly and synthesized design space completely
  • Two different measuring methods of compression ratio are compared and discussed for different applied limits , merits and defects of each are analyzed relevantly
  • It is consisted of institution subsystem , organization subsystem and operating rule subsystem of performance measurement , and it also relevantly formed a complete set of measurement index system
  • And the paper also suggests further that tax policy of our country should reform relevantly , exploration order should be changed from mandatory to guidance , this can constantly promote development of oil & gas enterprises in our country
  • Fiftieth 5 use property common place , common facilities facilities undertakes management , ought to be in after asking for what congress of owner , owner , property runs a company relevantly to agree , deal with concerned formalities according to the regulation
  • The development of swimming pools can find its origin in the late 1990s . now it has been a popular public recreational center . however there are still wide gaps in its running management and design due to its relevantly late application in china
  • To the nationalism question , my also rather concern of these two years , has read some to describe relevantly too , in fact , although i have national feelings , to nationalism , but held sizable attitude of keepings this , namely already been revealed in this page is clumsy and real in the article
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3


  • with relevance

  • with relevance

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