

  • 解除
  • 释放剂
  • 释放器
  • 释放体
  • 释放者, 脱扣器释放装置
  • 释放装置;排气装置
  • 引发物
  • 引发者
  • 真空放乳器



  • 例句与用法
  • The development of zsq spring brake releaser
  • Screw type cable releaser
  • 7 . wind mouth of above kln - 150 is equipped with wind releaser to reduce noise in upright directions
    7 . kln - 150以上,风口加装导风胴,减少水平方向传出之噪音。
  • The releaser executes the function of breaker . the traditional releasers always are electromagnetic and it is not easy to control their trait
  • This rusted part releaser has excellent effect for releasing rusted parts on mechanical equipment and also a combined function of lubrication
  • Fashionable household decoration , creative combination of the mist , water and smoothing lighting , differed from traditional humidifiers . also it is a perfect scent releaser light with last fragrance
  • Furthermore , by using the normal serial interface rs - 232c , we make the intelligence releaser realize communication with pc computer . by using the bus system , the target of remote controlling is realized . all of them strengthen the releaser ' s functions and make it accord with requirements of distribution system
    此外,采用目前最常用的串行通信标准总线接口rs - 232c ,实现了现场智能脱扣器与pc机的双向通信功能,通过总线系统达到遥调、遥控的目的,使得脱扣器的性能得到提高,功能得到增强,符合配电系统的要求。
  • The task uses the microelectronics technology and single - chip technology and utilizes microprocessor to develop the mini - intelligence releaser . it can not only fulfill the function of releasing , i . e . fulfill the protecting function which is pre - designed , but also select the parameters of motion , i . e . it can realize protecting in the multi - situations
  • Resist printing processes of cotton fabric with reactive dyestuffs are detailed , including the reactive dyestuff reserve printing reactive dyestuff based on difference of reactivity between reactive dye and cellulose fiber , as well as between reactive dye and reserving agent ; pigment reserve printing reactive dyes based on acid releaser neutralizing alkali in printing paste to prevent reactive dyestuff exhaustion ; light printing paste process based on dark paste over printing light reserve printing paste
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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