Rhoda says that it's embarrassing to be so idolized, but also very sweet and rejuvenating . 罗达说,给人这样过份地崇拜是很发窘的,不过也是愉快惬意使人年轻的。
The activated carbon which can be rejuvenated by roasting procedures has improved the economy considerably . 已证实研制通过煅烧可再生的活性炭具有相当大的经济效益。
General patton's buoyant leadership and strict insistence upon discipline rapidly rejuvenated the ii corps . 巴顿将军之活泼领导与严明纪律,使第二军的士气迅速恢复过来。
One industry which has done much to rejuvenate the economy of the south since the end of world war ii is the very important oil industry . 自第二次世界大战结束以来,对改造南部地区经济起着很大作用的工业是非常重要的石油工业。
Self - driven innovation the only way to rejuvenate forestry 中国林科院院长江泽慧
A peaceful environment for rejuvenating liaoning 打造平安好环境服务辽宁大振兴
A rational reflection on rejuvenating the northeast economy 振兴东北经济的理性思考
She looked rejuvenated after plastic surgery 她做完整形手术后显得年轻了。
Rejuvenate membership of advisory boards and statutory bodies 更新谘询和法定组织成员
The central seven cities join hands for rejuvenating liaoning 七星辉映携手共创辽宁振兴
rejuvenatingとは意味:{形} : 若返らせる、活力{かつりょく}を呼び戻すような◆「若さ」を意味するラテン語 juvenis が語源。動詞 rejuvenate は「若さを取り戻させる」「元気を取り戻す」という意味で、広い層の人々によく使われる。◆【類】refreshing◆【反】debilitating He took a rejuvenating cold shower. 彼は生き返るような冷たいシャワーを浴びた。...