Reflectivity depends on the velocity and density of rocks . 反射能力取决于岩面的速度和密度。
The reflectivity of land to solar radiation is much higher than that of ocean . 陆地对太阳辐射的反射率远远高于海洋。
Absorptivity, reflectivity and transmissivity depend upon the wave length of the radiant energy striking the surface and also upon the temperature of the surface . 吸收率,反射率和透射率取决于打在物体表面上的辐射能的波长,也和物体表面的温度有关。
Test procedure for determining reflectivity of rear - view mirrors 测定后视镜反射率的试验方法
A study of light reflectivity and transmission properties of single fiber 纤维反光和透光性质的研究
In situ reflectivity measurement of cvd diamond thin film 化学气相沉积金刚石薄膜生长的原位反射率测量
Noise equivalent reflectivity difference 噪声等效反射率差
Test method for measuring optical reflectivity of transparent materials 测量透明材料光反射率的试验方法
The properties of plano - concave resonator with a gaussian - reflectivity mirror 方式的校园网网络性能管理系统
Put each object in front of you . which one has the highest reflectivity 将物件放在面前,看看哪一件反射能力最好?