However , it is permitted for the declarations of such methods to include , redundantly , the 不过,这些方法的声明中允许包含冗余的
Is a string with the syntax of a uri often redundantly called the " namespace uri " 是采用uri语法的字符串(常常不必要的称为“名称空间uri ” ) 。
The customer information , name and address , must be added and stored redundantly for each sales order 必须在每个销售订单中另外添加和存储客户信息、客户姓名和地址。
Using coverage as a test design technique works only when the testers are both designing poor tests and testing redundantly 仅当测试员设计了的测试质量不高并且冗余地进行测试时,将测试度作为测试设计技巧才能起作用。
To avoid redundantly storing data in the database , you could decide to normalize the table by splitting it into the following two tables 若要避免在数据库中重复存储数据,可以通过将该表拆分为下列两个表来规范化该表:
On the other hand , multiple instances of the same service may be redundantly installed on multiple peers within a peer group - this is called a 另一方面,同一服务的多个实例被冗余地安装在一个对等组内的多个对等机上这被称为
Is that when an update to any language - specific set of jsps is required , the update must be performed to all the redundantly coded set of jsps 中的解决方案的最大不足在于:当需要更新特定于语言的jsp集时,所有冗余编码的jsp集都必须同时更新。
Using multiple redundant sets of language - specific jsps , is that when an update to any language - specific set of jsps is required , the update must be performed to all the redundantly coded set of jsps 中的解决方案的最大不足在于当需要更新特定于语言的jsp集时,所有冗馀编码的jsp集都必须同时更新。
True , the user can either redundantly enter the same character as the literal at the current position , or can enter the next editable character , thereby jumping the current position to that position ,则用户既可以输入与当前位置的原义字符相同的字符,也可以输入下一个可编辑字符,从而从当前位置跳至该位置。
The author , martin brown , just sort of throws whatever explanation comes to mind at each block of three or four lines of each script which are redundantly printed , then printed again with annotation 作者martin brown只是将在头脑中出现的解释写到每个脚本中带有三、四行的一个注解块(在印刷代码时先预留一定空白,再将注释印上去) 。