Shut down because of the maximum number of dynamic recompiles of resources limit 由于资源的动态重新编译的最大次数限制而关闭。
If there is a change in the schema, sql server recompiles the query with the new schema 如果架构发生了变化,sqlserver将用新架构重新编译查询。
When you update the application, notification services recompiles the stored procedure 存储过程。在更新应用程序时,notificationservices会重新编译此存储过程。
Gets or sets the number of dynamic recompiles of resources that can occur before the application restarts 获取或设置应用程序重新启动前可发生的资源的动态重新编译的次数。
In which the c compiler recompiles a source file only if it is dependent on changes to a class in a header file ,其中,只有当某个源文件依赖于头文件中的类的更改时,c++编译器才重新编译它。
Instead jester changes the source code, recompiles it, and runs the test suite to see if anything breaks 相反,jester会修改源代码、重新编译源代码,然后运行测试套件,查看是否有什么事出错。
When sql server 2005 recompiles these queries, it uses the parameter values as they exist just before the statement that causes recompilation 当sqlserver2005重新编译这些查询时,它使用恰好在导致重新编译的语句之前参数所具有的值。
When sql server 2000 recompiles these batches, it uses the parameter values with which the batches are called as part of recompilation 当sqlserver2000重新编译这些批处理时,它使用作为重新编译的一部分被调用的批处理所带有的参数值。
Because jester recompiles the code base and reruns the test suite for each change it makes, it runs orders of magnitude more slowly than more traditional tools like clover 因为jester重新编译代码基,而且要为自己做的每个修改都重新运行测试套件,所以它的运行要比clover这样的传统工具慢得多。
When you make a change to a default resource file, either local or global, asp . net recompiles the resources and restarts the asp . net application, which can affect the overall performance of your site 在对默认资源文件进行更改时,无论它是本地资源文件还是全局资源文件,asp.net都重新编译资源并重新启动asp.net应用程序,这可能会影响站点的整体性能。