It was blanche who, when the conversation flagged and the youth's modesty came rushing back and overpowering him, knew how to reanimate her companion . 遇到谈话暂时冷场,或者年轻人的羞怯重又回升占上风的时候,也总是布兰茜为她的舞伴打开僵局。
The t-virus reanimates dead cells t病毒能使死亡细胞复活
The t-virus reanimated their bodies t病毒仍在体内活动
You may have seen them in films : reanimated viruses and re-growing human arms 这些也许只有在电影上才曾见过:复苏的病毒和再生的人的手臂。
Yes . in fact, if the reanimated warrior has venom, that warrior must use its venom-venom is not optional 可以,事实上如果被招魂回来的战士有使毒能力,你还非得启动它不可,因为使毒不是选择性。
Ferramosca was pronounced dead at the scene, but desperate attempts to reanimate neri at the hospital failed 费拉莫斯卡在现场就已经确认死亡,但凭借生命力顽强支撑着的内里送到医院后还是抢救无效
Once you can move a finger or toe, flex your hands, move your arms, shake your head, i . e ., reanimate your body; and get up and walk around for a few minutes 一旦你可以动弹手指或脚趾、弯曲你的手、挪动你的胳膊,摇晃你的头,即:重新活动你的身体;起身走几分钟。
Alerted by the strange situation and with the intention of finding out about the secrets of the lost mine valley, necromancer and mentor xardas discovers our hero in the temple, reanimating him 由于死灵法师萨尔达斯注意到所发生的奇怪情形,以及想要查明失落的矿坑山谷之秘密的缘故,他找到了在大殿里的英雄,并且使他恢复了生气。
First, the government has to establish the new industry standards as soon as possible, updating the stone industry and reanimating the stone firms to have a pooling, industrial and professional development 一是有关部门应尽快制定行业新标准,提高出口企业的准入门槛,在大力推动产业升级的同时,支持鼓励石材企业走联营化、产业化、专业化的可持续发展道路。
This paper, aiming at the problems in petroleum enterprises'budget management, presents the approaches to enhance budget management : ( 1 ) establish the specified budget management section and clarify its responsibility; ( 2 ) schedule the budget on the basis of strategy of the petroleum enterprises; ( 3 ) set up the flexible budget target, budget alarm and budget result query; ( 4 ) adjust budget dynamically and simultaneously; ( 5 ) adopt the applicable measures and encouragements, reanimate wide participation in budget management 摘要针对油田企业预算管理存在的问题,阐述了加强预算管理的途径和措施:设置专门的预算管理机构,并建立预算工作岗位责任制;以油田企业战略为基础编制预算;设置弹性预算指标,建立预算预警机制和预算结果质询制度;适时调整、编制动态预算;采取有效的考核与激励措施,鼓励全员参与预算管理。