reacquirer reacquire ; [,ri:?'kwai?] ; vt. ; 重新取得,再获得: ; He reacquired an academic reputation after five years of hard work. ; 经过了五年的苦干,他重新赢得了学术上的威望。 ; 变形: ; vt. ; reacquired ; . reacquiring
I have recently reacquainted myself with mr 近日偶然的再次发现名侦探福尔摩斯。
We got a lot of reacquainting to do 我们有很多话要说
Miranda, brazil out in the largest wetland in the western hemisphere it is easy enough to get reacquainted with planet earth 在西半球最大的湿地上,你很容易就能重新接近大自然。
After a day or two reacquainting themselves with their families at christmas, most will race back to their desks next week, hungry to make another killing 圣诞夜他们与家人聚聚,之后,他们立马杀回办公室,为了下一场屠戮,他们已经饿得不行。
To reacquaint myself with particular scenes from the movie, i enlisted the help of my friends ( and fellow actors from the film ), nic tse and wu jing 重温我在该片中的一些特别片段,我要对我的朋友(同时也是这部影片中合作伙伴)谢霆锋和吴京表示感谢。
The study inducts the discourse of retribution in dissecting the mise en scene behind these writings in reacquainting the system of retribution and just punishment 本剧运用现代人扑朔迷离自私自利的爱情关系作为论述主轴,抽丝剥茧这些文本的后设情境,企图重新认识报应、惩罚与自我。
The yankees won five of their first 12 meetings with boston this season, and though the two teams haven't seen much of each other lately, they shouldn't need much time to get reacquainted 本季洋基与的12场红袜大战洋基只取得5胜,虽然这两队已经有一段时间没有碰头,但他们并不需要太多时间去适应。
Which business hero had an idea to transform an area near a school into a garden, and in the process, to teach local schoolchildren about food and agriculture and reacquaint them with the land 哪一个行业的英雄有办法把学校附近的区域改变成一所花园,在这一过程中教当地的学童认识粮食和农业以及再次认识这块土地
If it has been a while since you ve spent much time at the command prompt, take a little time to reacquaint yourself with this environment by reviewing common commands you ll use all the time 如果过了相当一段时间您还要用很多时间去查看命令的提示,那么您应该花费一些时间复习一下那些您将不断用到的常见命令,来更好地熟悉这个环境。
First, after analyzing the general bank-scale standard, the author points out the definition of chinese small commercial banks and reacquaints the role of the small commercial banks in china's financial reform 首先,通过对银行规模一般界定标准、发达国家对银行规模界定分析,指出本文中我国中小商业银行的定义,从一个新的层面上来认识中小银行在我国金融改革中的作用。