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用"rdw"造句"rdw"怎么读"rdw" in a sentence


  • 红细胞体积分布
  • 宽度


  • Red blood cell volume distriutionwidth , rdw
  • Research on diagnosing potential iron deficiency by testing rdw and mcv
  • Don ` t worry if your job is small , and your rewards ard rdw , remember that the mighty oak , was once a nut like you
    如果你的工作渺小,并且回报很少,请不要苦恼,请记住,那硕大的橡树,曾经也不过是一枚小果- -像你现在这样。 (写信时的六星级格言
  • From the point of view of load bearing capacity and energy dissipating , with rdw being 6 . 5 , the specimens behavior best . 4 all the failure modes are interpreted in the view of structure mechanism
    从试体破坏形态,极限承载力以及耗能能力来看,肢厚比等于6 . 5的2个短肢墙结构整体性性能较好。
  • Short - limbed wall ( slw ) is defined as the shear wall with a ratio of section depth to width ( rdw ) being 5 - 8 . usually , the section width is 200 - 250 mm , and the depth is between 1 000 and 2 500 mm
    短肢剪力墙是指墙肢截面高度与厚度之比为5 8的抗震墙,通常墙厚不小于200mm ,肢长在1000 2500mm之间,它介乎于异形框架柱和一般剪力墙之间。
  • Integrating the results obtained by nonlinear fem analysis and structural behavior analysis , with the section shape and rdw being variables , the function for lebr is proposed . 6 all the reinforcement in the specimens , longitudinal bar and transverse stirrup , is of grade hrb400


  • rdw 意味
  • rdwとは意味

    RDW {略-1} : RBC volume distribution width 赤血球分布幅{せっけっきゅう ぶんぷ はば} ---------------------------------------------------...

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