raspberry n. 1.【植物;植物学】悬钩子;木莓,山莓。 2.红光暗紫色。 3.〔美俚〕咂舌头嘲笑的声音,讥笑;谴责。 get the raspberry 被(咂舌头)嘲笑。 hand [give] sb. the raspberry (咂舌头)嘲笑某人。 adj. 紫红色的。 raspberry-canes (次年结果的)悬钩子的新枝。
We had a poor crop of raspberries this year . 今年我们的悬钩子歉收。
They ate raspberry tarts and ice cream . 大家吃着木莓馅饼和冰淇淋。
This insect attacks the raspberry crop and transmits virus disease . 这种蚜虫危害树莓并传播病毒病。
Now and then he picked raspberries in the overgrown garden . 有时,他会跑到杂草丛生的花园里去采摘蔗莓。
The gorgon, miss springer, the games mistress came back to gave me a raspberry . 那个女妖魔,即体育教师斯普林杰小姐又回来把我教训一通。
The results of his experiments were, among other plants, an especially strong cherry tree; a black berry plant without thorns; and a larger, sweeter and smoother raspberry . 在他进行试验所取得的成果中,以下几项特别值得一提,一种特别茁壮的樱桃树,无刺的黑莓树和一种又大又甜,滑溜滚圆的木莓。
Sam : whoa ! i ' d been wrong about the raspberries 哇哦,我关于莓酱的想法是错误的。
Scatter half the blueberries and raspberries on top 重复上面的步骤一次。
And i had supposed fairies to be charming . blows raspberry 我还以为仙女都很温柔迷人呢
And i had supposed fairies to be charming . [ blows raspberry ] 我还以为仙女都很温柔迷人呢
raspberriesとは意味:{名-1} : ラズベリー、キイチゴ、木イチゴ◆植物◆【学名】rubus idaeus◆食用。ブラックベリーより小さい。 Her raspberry pie won the baking contest. 彼女の作ったラズベリーパイは、ケーキコンテストで賞をもらった。 -----------------------------------------------------------------...