The things he said were received with rapturous applause . 他所说的赢得了狂热的掌声。
His great, bobbing height and rapturous enthusiasm helped make up for his innate clumsiness and lack of experience . 他个子特别高,打起球来象着了魔似的浑身是劲,这帮助他弥补了天生的笨拙和没有经验。
He is given a rapturous welcome in his home town 他在家乡受到了发疯似的欢迎。
Her new novel was greeted by reviewers with rapturous applause 她的新小说备受书评家推崇
Her new novel was greeted by reviewers with rapturous applause 她的新小说备受书评家推崇
Her face beamed with rapturous delight 她的脸闪耀着狂喜的光辉。
The hungry man repeated , in a rapturous croak , magnificent 带着渴望神情的人发出低沉的狂欢声, “妙极了! ”
Island youth chinese orchestra brought the audience to a rapturous final 港岛青年中乐团为音乐会带来热闹的终结
Said the boy , flushing crimson and looking up at pierre with rapturous , shining eyes 孩子的脸红了,他用敬慕的明亮的眼睛从上到下打量着皮埃尔。
Thousands years pass by , this cultural complex spreads in the whole world , fireworks becomes the symbol of rapturous festival 百年来这种文化情节在全球蔓延,烟花成欢乐喜庆节日的代名词。
rapturousとは意味:{形} : 有頂天{うちょうてん}の、うっとりした◆rapturous は、気が遠くなるほど幸福である様子を表すが、ecstatic ほど一般的には使われない。ごく一般的に使われる類義語に happy(幸せな)や joyful(喜びに満ちた)、blissful(幸せな)がある。ただしこれらには ecstatic ほどの強烈さはない。 She felt rapturous on her weddin...