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  • 魁北克


  • Uqat - universit du qu bec en abitibi - t miscamingue
  • A regional trade association representing commercial art galleries in qu bec and ontario . public art galleries and museums www . museums . ca . university art galleries the artist - run centres are unique to canada
    在2003年柏林国际当代艺术博览会展出, jer ? me fortin海军陆战队( marines )加拿大国内的艺术环境加拿大国内营造了非常坚实的艺术环境,孕育出杰出的艺术精英。
  • Most arcs hold non - profit or charitable status and they they are managed by practising artists . some arc associations are : u artist - run centres and collectives of ontario www . arcco . ca u the pacific association of artist run centres http : paarc . ca u regroupement des centres d artistes du qu bec www . rcaaq . rcaaq . org . training education : the highly respected canadian art schools are listed on the universities art association of canada web site : www . uaac - aauc . com
    艺廊/博物馆/艺术家自行运作的艺术中心:经久不衰的众多私人艺廊为全球的艺术品客户提供了切身感受加拿大视觉艺术魅力的商业场所加拿大商业艺廊协会( art dealers association of canada , adac ) ( www . ad - ac . ca ) ,加拿大唯一一家代表私营商业艺廊和经纪人的全国性贸易协会。
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