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用"quadrillions"造句"quadrillions"怎么读"quadrillions" in a sentence


  • n. 千的五次方,百万的四次方( quadrillion的名词复数 )


  • Building the brain's neural network ? a trillion ( 1012 ) neurons connected by 10 quadrillion ( 1016 ) synapses ? is a daunting task
  • Lemaire then took just over a minute to identify two quadrillion, 397 trillion, 207 billion, 667 million, 966 thousand, 701 as the 13th root
  • The technique is so sensitive that it can detect a single radioactive carbon atom hiding among a quadrillion ( one million billion ) ordinary ones
  • Among the holy grails his team is chasing are a potential billionfold improvement in present-day calorimetry, which would allow observation of the individual heat quanta being exchanged as nanodevices cool, and a potential quadrillion-fold increase in the sensitivity of magnetic resonance imaging, which would enable complex biomolecules to be visualized with three-dimensional atomic resolution
  • Bear in mind also that the outstanding notional stock of derivatives has soared to more than $ 1 / 2 quadrillion over this horizon, representing an extra $ 1.7 million haystack in which to search for the poisoned needle of mathematically-abstruse, systemic risk for each and every, readily-valued, new ounce of metal brought laboriously up from the stygian gloom and into the broad light of day
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