In much of the popular commentary, this conclusion was stated in highly purposive terms . 这类评论很多,而其结论表述尤为明显。
Non - purposive behavior 非目的性行为
Fraud is the purposive behavior that someone takes in order to gain illegal benefits through using illegal methods 摘要舞弊通常是指为获得非法利益采用不法手段所实施的故意行为。
Task - based language approach puts emphasis on purposive communication and meaning expressing , and study of form of language as well 摘要在任务语言教学中,语言教学既强调有目的的交际和语意表达,也不忽视语言形式的学习。
Decision making ( dm ) is defined as the purposive act of choosing one from multiple alternatives , such as judging , choosing , and determining 决策是指判断、选择、决定等有目的地从多中选一的行为,人类社会实践时刻伴随着决策活动。
A total of 66 subjects ( 31 subjects in the poor control group ; 35 subjects in the good control group ) were selected by purposive sampling from a medical center 本研究以立意取样法在某医学中心,选取31位控制不良和35位控制良好之第2型糖尿病患为对象。
This was a cross - sectional study involving 100 patients selected by purposive sampling over a seven month interval , and two medical centers , in kaohsiung and tainan 研究以横断性调查研究法,采立意取样方式,针对南部两间医学中心妇产部进行为期7个月收案期,共收集100位子宫颈癌病人。