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用"puissance"造句"puissance"怎么读"puissance" in a sentence"puissance"的同义词


  • n.


  • Pays du vin par excellence , la france continue de faire r ver les amateurs de grands crus1 confront s la mont e en puissance de concurrents , les vins fran ? ais ont aussi entam une profonde mutation qui commence porter ses fruits
  • Studying the archaeological data and historical documents , the author finds out that falchion with short hilt , falchion with winding head , huge ye - tomahawk , and dustpan - shaped vessel are used in ceremonies , which reflects the owner ' s social class and puissance
  • By analyzing the puissance , experience , body and happiness language , i find that the really meaning of the female fashionable periodical is a kind of contradictive expression . it is a sign of status , but also is a reversed discrimination ; it wants be out of the traditional culture , but also in it ; elegant feminine temper is also in the charge of the masculine society ; happiness is based on the expenditure of body and substance . now the contradictive expression of feminine language is becoming the most important problem in the development of the female fashionable periodical


  • power to influence or coerce; "the puissance of the labor vote"



Puissance is the high-jump competition in the equestrian sport of show jumping.
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