On teacher ' s right and its limit from the publicness of teacher profession 从教师职业的公共性看教师的权利及其界限
The publicness of teacher profession comes from the publicness of education and school , so it should be the basic value of the rights and obligations of teachers 摘要教师职业的公共性源于教育的公共性和学校的公共性,教师权利及其界限的确立应以教师职业的公共性为基本价值。
That different interest groups aligning with each other result in rent - seeking , which is the principal factor attributing to diminishing of publicness . new public management should also be responsible for it to some extent 新公共管理运动也对公共性造成了一定程度的冲击,对市场教义的过度崇拜、管理主义和民营化的改革手段都与公共性的实现存在冲突。
It discusses the primary causes leading to the publicness diminishing in detail , and proposes several means to enhance the publicness on the basis both of analyzing institutional factors which induce rent - seeking and of discussing the existing theories 文章重点阐释了公共政策公共性丧失的根本原因,并针对导致寻租的制度因素以及当前理论界的偏颇之处,探讨了几种修复公共性的举措。
Besides the two funndamental principles , that is to say " the principle that the administrative act must be legal " and " the principle that their act must also be reasonable " , the administrative liense must obey its own special principles : written patterns , safeguarding the referees " legal rights , good service , publicness and efficiency 行政许可除必然遵循“行政合法性原则”和“行政合理性原则”两条行政法的基本原则外,还要坚持一些特有的原则。本文将行政许可的特有原则归纳为五条: a )书面要式原则; k )保障相对人合法权益原则; om务原则; k )公开原则; 6 )效率原则。
Publicness is the essentials of public policy , which implies that the government , as the agent of the public power , should carry out the public will and fulfill the public interests when making and implementing public policies , and assume the corresponding responsibility . justice is the basic orientation of public policy 公共性是公共政策的本质属性,是指政府作为公民权力的委托执行者,应按照公民的意志,从保证公共利益的基本点出发制定和实施公共政策,并承担政策议程中相应的公共责任, “公平”是公共政策的基本价值取向。