proteinuria-edema-hypertension gestosis 《英文msh词典》Proteinuria-Edema-Hypertension Gestosis ; [同义词] Proteinuria-Edema-Hypertension Gestosis ; [主题词] Gestosis,EPH ; [中文释义] 蛋白尿-水肿-高血压妊娠中毒症 ; [英文释义] Hypertensive state associated with edema and proteinuria which develops during pregnancy up to the 20th week of gestation,after which it is classified as pre-eclampsia.
proteinuria-edema-hypertension gestoses 《英文msh词典》Proteinuria-Edema-Hypertension Gestoses ; [入口词] Proteinuria-Edema-Hypertension Gestoses ; [主题词] Gestosis,EPH ; [英文释义] Hypertensive state associated with edema and proteinuria which develops during pregnancy up to the 20th week of gestation,after which it is classified as pre-eclampsia.
proteinuria edema hypertension gestosis 《英文msh词典》Proteinuria Edema Hypertension Gestosis ; [入口词] Proteinuria Edema Hypertension Gestosis ; [主题词] Gestosis,EPH ; [英文释义] Hypertensive state associated with edema and proteinuria which develops during pregnancy up to the 20th week of gestation,after which it is classified as pre-eclampsia.
Here we use fluorescently labeled albumin, together with the powerful technique of intraital 2-photon microscopy to show that renal albumin filtration in non-proteinuric rats is 50 times greater than preiously measured and is followed by rapid endocytosis into proximal tubule cells ( ptcs ) 我们使用荧光标记的白蛋白以及强大的活体内双光子显微镜技术,在不伴有蛋白尿的大鼠中发现其肾脏滤过的白蛋白量较以前文献报道的大50多倍,这些蛋白随即又迅速被近曲小管细胞以内吞形式摄取。