Some of the most energetic protectionist measures are erected against agricultural products in all countries . 有一些最厉害的保护主义措施,用来反对一切国家的农产品。
No one doubts the need for such regulations, but their excessive or discriminatory use can be implicitly protectionist . 没有人怀疑这些规章的必要性,但其过分地或带有歧视性地使用具有暗含的保护主义。
The protectionist impulses are overlaid with the strategic fears 保护主义冲动披上了战略担忧的外衣。
We are already seeing signs of rising protectionist sentiments 我们已经看到了保护主义情绪抬头的迹象。
Pessimists reply that his eloquence encourages protectionist sentiment 悲观论者则回应,奥巴马的雄辩鼓舞了保护主义情绪。
Under this circustances , the pressure of protectionist will become larger 在这种情况下,来自贸易保护主义者的压力会变得更大。
These are the arguments behind an increasingly protectionist mood in washington 这些是华盛顿不断越来越多贸易保护论者的辩解。
Hence the potential appeal of protectionist and anti - immigrant policies 因此贸易保护主义和反移民政策的潜在呼声自然十分巨大。
These are the arguments behind an increasingly protectionist mood in washington 这些就是华盛顿越来越多的贸易保护主义情绪背后的论调。
Another reason is that it is loth to give ammunition to the protectionist lobby 另一个原因是它讨厌给贸易保护主义议员(攻击中国)提供弹药。