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用"propionyl"造句"propionyl"怎么读"propionyl" in a sentence


  • 丙酰化
  • 丙酰基
  • 丙醯基


  • Bromochemical producer in china . most products are brominated hydrocarbons , but they also include acetyl and propionyl bromide , and phosphorus tribromide
    -主要以生产苯基丙酮1 , 4 -二溴丁烷4 -丁氧基苯酚1 . 3 -二苯基丙酮等为主的医药中间体产品和杀菌灵。
  • Abstract : methanesulfonic acid method was used to prepare five acylated chitins . except heptanoyl chitin , four of them , i . e . acetyl chitin , propionyl chitin , butyryl chitin and hexanoyl chitin , had high degree of substitution ( from 1 . 5 to 2 . 0 ) and exhibited lyotropic liquid crystalline behavior and cholesteric phase . as the length of the side chain increased the critical concentration ( w / w ) somewhat increased from 0 . 21 to 0 . 26 because the chain rigidity dropped . the critical concentration values of all the four derivatives were much higher than that of chitin ( 0 . 12 ) due to the decrease of intramolecular hydrogen bonds . the four acylated chitin can form typical banded texture after being sheared . there minimum concentrations to form banded texture of them were evidently different , varied from 0 . 25 ( for acetyl chitin ) to 0 . 37 ( for hexanoyl chitin ) . these results further indicated that liquid crystallinity decreased while the length of flexible side substituents increased


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