promptitude n. 敏捷,迅速,机敏;果断。 with great promptitude 极其敏捷地。 Their own promptitude in retreating at the critical moment saved them. 他们自己在危急的时刻迅速退却,这才得以避免被歼灭。
He did it without any prompting from me . 他做这事完全不用我督促。
The actor needed to be prompted frequently . 那演员经常需要提示。
The reply was both prompt and startling . 答复迅速而又使人惊讶。
Feminine craft was alert to prompt it . 女性的机灵会警觉地提醒。
A prompt remittance would be appreciated . 速寄汇款不胜感激。
She will occasionally prompt her husband . 她偶尔催促她丈夫。
Will you prompt for us at the next performance ? 下场演出时你给我们提词好吗?