Transmutation : a promethean or pandoran power 嬗变术:活尸或尸祸的特殊能力。
I know not where is that promethean heat 我不知道什么地方有那天上的神火
Azoth : azoth is the amount of purified pyros the promethean has within him 水银活尸体内纯粹圣火的储存量。
The hammer and fire are important symbols in the teaching of the promethean cult 铁锤和火焰是普罗米修斯信仰的标志。
The popular conception of a promethean being created by a mortal refers to a demiurge 一般而言,世系最初是由人类所创的,此人被称为造物主。
Brand : a body mark made by pyros signifying a promethean ' s membership in an alchemical pact 烙印:活尸身上以圣火标记的烙印,代表其为某契约的成员。
Mockery : a sort of anti - lineage of pandorans , based upon the lineage of their promethean creators 伪系:属于尸祸的反世系,源于其活尸创造者的世系。
Bestowment : a power bestowed by a promethean ' s lineage . ( bestowments can also be purchased as transmutations 赠礼:世系赋予活尸的能力。 (也可以像学习嬗变术般后天获得。 )
Progenitor : the first promethean of a lineage . frankenstein ' s monster was the progenitor of the frankenstein lineage 先祖:某世系的第一个活尸。如弗兰肯斯坦的怪物即为该世系的先祖。
Promethean ' s disfigurements become briefly visible to mortals when the promethean spends pyros points or uses electrical current to heal wounds 当活尸耗用圣火或使用电流疗伤时,会短暂地现出原貌。