Mrs. bennet was profuse in her acknowledgments . 班纳特太太连声道谢。
The vincys lived in an easy profuse way . 文西家一向生活优裕,不愁衣食。
The diarrhea in young pigs is usually profuse . 在小猪中,腹泻通常是剧烈的。
Many hybrids are profuse and persistent with flowers . 许多杂种开花繁茂耐久。
He was so profuse with his money that he is now poor . 他大肆浪费金钱,现在穷了。
He was profuse in thanks . 他谢了又谢。
Concentrations of 10 ppm can be endured for only a few minutes and cause profuse lacrimation in all people . 10ppm的浓度,只需几分钟,就会使所有的人流泪不止。
Dizziness, anxiety, syncope, and anorexia have also been reported as well as profuse tearing and photophobia . 头晕、烦躁不安、昏厥和食欲不振以及落泪不止、畏光也有报道。
It seems absurd at first sight that we should despise their persons, and yet reward their talents with the most profuse liberality . 我们在一方面鄙视其人格,在另一方面都又对其才能给与非常优厚的报酬,这乍看起来,似乎很不合理。
A frugal man, or a man eager to be rich, is said to love money; and a careless, a generous, or a profuse man, is said to be indifferent about it . 俭朴的或想发财的人,被说成是爱财的人;不谨慎的,或不吝啬的或奢侈的人,被说成是漠视货币的人。
profuseとは意味:profuse adj. 豊富な; 大まかな, 大ざっぱな. 【+前置詞】 ◆He was profuse in his thanks . やたらに礼(など)を言った He is very profuse in his expenditure. 非常に金づかいが荒い be profuse in ideas アイディアが豊富である ◆He is profuse of his money. 金銭に...