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用"primax"造句"primax"怎么读"primax" in a sentence


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  • Overall , the overseas recruitment fairs have made it much easier for primax to recruit the kind of talent it needs
  • Aggressive recruitment of overseas talent improves the productivity and competitiveness of the primax team as a whole , and helps the company to achieve major breakthroughs
  • Primax views its employees as the companys most important resource , and is proud to possess a workforce that includes so many creative , proactive individuals , along with a first - rate management team
    太景更与美国著名的制药公司arena pharmaceuticals进行策略合作,取得该公司的技术授权,以cart持续性受体活化等技术进行新药开发。
  • Although the overseas recruitment fairs and other overseas recruitment initiatives were designed as long - term projects , by helping enterprises to expand their overseas recruitment networks they have produced impressive results even in the short term . at last years recruitment fairs primax collected 138 resumes . although primax did not send its own representatives to attend the fairs , it was able to have promotional literature distributed on its behalf , and the benefits in terms of publicity for the company were quite significant
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