But then the premier introduced a jarring note . 可是这位总理话锋一转,气氛顿变。
The presence of the premier shed lustre on the assembly . 总理的光临为集会增添了光彩。
The premier occupies the foremost place in the world of politics . 首相是政界的首要人物。
She has a high reputation in france as premier of britain . 她这个英国首相在法国声望很高。
He entered on his second year of office as premier on oct. 1 . 他进入了首相任期的第二个年头。
I know premier zhao has demonstrated mastery of his subject . 我知道赵总理已显示出十分精通他主管的工作。
His work on the causes of diseases is of premier importance to the whole world . 他对病因的研究对整个世界来说非常重要。
This issue was fought out between the premier and the generalissimo at a stormy interview before the council meeting . 在内阁会议召开之前,总理和最高统帅曾对这个问题进行了一场激烈的争辩。