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Did you clean the sand out ofthe engine and doyour preflight , mr . towns 你清理了发动机里的沙子并作好起飞前的准备了么,唐斯先生?
This tip shows how to preflight text in sax so that it s delivered in the proper , maximally contiguous format 这篇技巧文章显示了如何在sax中准备文本,以便可以用合适的且最大程度相邻的格式传递文本。
Preflight - this portion of the flight starts on the ground and includes flight checks , push - back from the gate and taxi to the runway 飞行前的准备工作? ?这部分工作是在地面完成的,包括飞机的检修,飞机从登机口拖出来并驶往跑道。
Firstly , the research of this paper is focus on preflight global planning algorithm based on cell decomposition methods and artificial potential field methods 本文首先对基于栅格法和人工势场法思想的离线航迹规划算法进行了研究。
In preflight planning phase , the optimal global trajectory and its safe corridor can be found via synthesizing many kinds of information by large - scale computers on earth 在离线航迹规划阶段,最优全局航迹规划和安全走廊可以通过综合地面计算机的大范围多种信息的方法来获得。
Pay attention to the preflight briefingalthough the information seems repetitious , the locations of the closest emergency exits may be different depending on the aircraft that you fly on and seat you are in 注意起飞前的讲解虽然,这些信息看上去都是大同小异,但是机型或者是座位不同,身边最近的紧急出口的位置也不同。