Do you recognize a prefix or suffix ? 你是否认得字首或字尾呢?
Quotations are prefixed to the chapters . 各章前头附有引文。
The official prefixed an explanatory note to the list of statistics . 那官员在统计表前加了一段说明文字。
The prefixes cis and trans are frequently applied to disubstituted cycloalkanes . 词头顺和反常用于双取代的环烷烃。
The names of the multiples of the units are formed by the prefixes given in table 3 . 单位的倍数的名称是由表3列出的前缀构成的。
To return to affixes, we may now note a few prefix forms currently enjoying popularity . 再来谈词缀,我们现在可以看到有一些前缀很流行。
Note that the prefixes in our equation tell us the relative number of atoms and molecules involved . 注意反应式的系数说明了所涉及的原子和分子的相对数目。
Only three of hexane structures can be named on the basis of the prefixes that have been applied to the pentanes . 只有三种已烷结构可以根据加在戊烷前的词头来命名。
He had just reached the time of life at which "young" was ceasing to be the prefix of "man" gin speaking of one . 他刚刚到了生命中的这样一个时期,说起他这样年龄的人的时候,已经不适用“年轻”这个字眼了。
The prefix whose namespace uri you want to resolve 要解析其命名空间uri的前缀。