Such a procedure does not preclude fracture . 这个方法不能消除断裂的发生。
A prior engagement will preclude them from coming . 他们因为有约在先,不能来了。
This precludes placing therapeutic levels of drugs in the feed as a method of treatment . 这妨碍在饲料中按治疗法放入治疗量药物。
The very spontaneity of his gestures precluded him from managing his own achievements . 他那容易冲动的天性使他不能驾驭自己的成就。
Such requirements do not preclude the use of a national or international grid system . 这些要求并不排除使用国家的或国际的网格系统。
Such an assay does not preclude the direct exchange of serine and glycerol phosphate . 这样一个试验并不杜绝丝氨酸同磷酸甘油的直接交换。
The lack of any methoxysubstituted benzenes would preclude any insertion process taking place . 例中没有甲氧基取代的笨,就应当排除任何嵌入反应的发生。
The large thermal mass of the melt generally precludes any short-term control of the process according to temperature . 大的热熔体通常较难按温度实现过程的短期控制。
The surface reactivity of many nonblack fillers generally precludes strong bonding with this type of matrix . 许多非碳黑填料的表面反应性一般阻碍与该种基质形成牢固的粘结。
A publicity campaign explained the matter to the british hosts so as to save their pride and preclude embarrassment . 当作一个公开的运动去对英国主人说明,以维持他们的面子,并避免窘迫。