I made another one and put it into her other hand . she held it preciously 于是我又捏了一颗放在她的另一只手上,她很珍惜地握着。
Desert puddles and mud holes : water is a preciously scarce resource for all living things in the desert 沙漠里的水坑和泥泞的洞,对于在沙漠里所有的生物,水是很珍贵和稀小的资源。
It is surrounded by precious gold … white gold that covers its snow crystals and pink gold that preciously adorns its ivy leaves 同时它被重金环绕… …覆盖着雪晶体的白金和装饰考究的常春藤叶的粉金。
In this documentary , we are honor to have lots of souvenir , collectables and products related to bruce , all these are now very preciously and valuable 本片中亦可看见不少关于李小的产品纪念品或收藏品,实在是难得的机会。
Reason share , just like we the acquaintance equally are worth in theboundless huge crowd preciously , because we are the forever goodfriend good sisters 缘份,正如我们在茫茫人海中相识一样更值得珍贵,因为我们是永远的好朋友好姐妹!
This world , the human long abnormal could get rid , the animal long finished abnormally preciously , isn ' t the animal more valuable than the human 这个世界啊,人长的畸形了会被抛弃,动物长的畸形了却珍贵了起来,难道动物比人还不值钱?
Often observe lovers ' taste carefully , not only can understand the other side even more , can give him pleasant surprise even more . that compliment certainly comes preciously more than the present 经常细心观察爱侣的喜好,不但能更了解对方,更能给他惊喜。那份心意必定比礼物来得珍贵。
This essay aims at summarizing the above - mentioned aspects in order and inherit preciously existing experience , and inspire and expand thoughts of future studies , consequently serving college english teaching practice and instruction better 本文就此方面的理论、实践研究进行综述,以期借鉴、继承前人已有经验成果,启示、开拓后人的研究思路,更好地服务于大学生英语教学实践。
He was , in short , in his after dinner mood ; more expanded and genial , and also more self - indulgent than the frigid and rigid temper of the morning ; still he looked preciously grim , cushioning his massive head against the swelling back of his chair , and receiving the light of the fire on his granite - hewn features , and in his great , dark eyes ; for he had great , dark eyes , and very fine eyes , too - not without a certain change in their depths sometimes , which , if it was not softness , reminded you , at least , of that feeling 总之,他正在饭后的兴头上,更加健谈,更加亲切,比之早上冷淡僵硬的脾性,显得更为放纵。不过他看上去依然十分严厉。他那硕大的脑袋靠在椅子隆起的靠背上,炉火的光照在他犹如花岗岩镌刻出来的面容上,照进他又大又黑的眸子里因为他有着一双乌黑的大眼睛,而且很漂亮,有时在眼睛深处也并非没有某种变化,如果那不是柔情,至少也会使你想起这种感情来。
extremely; "there is precious little time left" 同义词:precious, precious,
extremely; "there is precious little time left" 同义词:precious, precious,