n. 1.称赞;赞扬,表扬;〔pl.〕赞词,赞美的话。 2.【宗教】(对上帝的)崇拜,赞美,尊崇。 3.〔古语〕值得称赞的人[物];〔古语〕可称赞的地方[理由]。
a service of praise 【宗教】赞美礼拜。 be above [beyond all] praise 赞美不尽的。 be loud [warm] in sb.'s praise(s) 热烈颂扬某人。 bestow [give] praise 称赞 (on upon)。 chant [sing] the praises of sb. 颂扬[歌颂]某人。 P- be to God! 感谢上帝! in praise of 称赞[赞美,歌颂]…。 more praise than pudding 恭维多而实惠少。 pudding rather than praise 宁要实惠,不要恭维。 say in sb.'s praise 称赞某人说。 sing one's own praises 自吹自擂。 win high praise 受到高度赞扬。 vt. 1.称赞,赞扬,表扬,歌颂;吹捧。 2.【宗教】赞美(上帝)。
God be praised! 谢天谢地。 praise sb. to the skies 把某人捧上天。 n. -er 赞美者,赞扬者;吹捧者。 adj. -less 没有赞扬的。
an expression of approval and commendation; "he always appreciated praise for his work" 同义词:congratulations, kudos, extolment,
offering words of homage as an act of worship; "they sang a hymn of praise to God"
express approval of; "The parents praised their children for their academic performance"
Praise is the act of making positive statements about a person, object or idea, either in public or privately. Praise is typically, but not exclusively, earned relative to achievement and accomplishment.
praiseとは意味:1praise n. 称賛, ほめ言葉; 賛美. 【動詞+】 ◆He accepted the praise. その称賛の言葉を受け入れた ◆accord praise to God 神を賛美する Accord him praise for good work. よくやったと彼をほめてやりなさい ◆allot one's praise and blame impartially 公平に賞罰を行な...