In the eighteenth century, the district of bareilly now a district of western uttar pradesh was 在18世纪,bareilly现在区区西北方邦在
Meanwhile, the government of uttar pradesh says that they are planning to relocate the farmers 同时,北方邦政府表示他们正计划搬迁这些农户。
He holds degrees in electrical and electronics engineering from sri venkateshwara university, andhra pradesh, india graham拥有曼彻斯特大学的计算机科学、数值分析和机器视觉学位。
Indian foreign minister pranab mukerjee tuesday asserted india's claim to the far northeastern state of arunachal pradesh 印度外长慕克吉星期二宣称,印度东北部的阿鲁纳恰尔邦为印度领土。
After meeting with rotary's delegation, uttar pradesh's chief minister vowed to personally monitor eradication progress in the state 北方邦的省长在与扶轮的代表团会面之后,誓言亲自监督该省根除工作的进度。
Andhra pradesh agricultural university, hyderabad : the objective is to evaluate factors for yield maximization in rice-groundnut cropping system 安德拉邦农业大学(海德拉巴):试验目标是评价稻-花生耕作制下达到最高产量的因素。
While india has accused china of occupying territory in kashmir, beijing has laid claim to territory in the north-east indian state of arunachal pradesh 印度指责中国占领克什米尔领土,北京则宣称印度东北部的阿鲁纳恰尔邦为中国领土。
Clad in shades of pink and white, celebrants of the indian festival of holi gather to watch a play in vrindavan in the northern indian state of uttar pradesh 在位于印度北部的北方邦的维伦达文,身着粉色和白色衣服以庆祝印度胡里节的人们正在观看演出。
The accident happened in the southern state of andhra pradesh . cranes and a rescue train were rushed to the site . reports say about 700 people have been rescued so far 周六在印度的载客火车意外中,恐怕有150名印度人死亡。在豪大雨中一座桥梁崩塌,有七节客车箱脱轨。