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  • 波尔特


  • But those same children may have trouble feeling safe and developing trust , said poulter , a clinical psychologist who also works with adolescents in los angeles area schools
  • " i ' ve seen more people hit their heads on what they call a glass ceiling or a cement wall in their careers , and it ' s what i call the father factor , " poulter said in an interview
  • Trust me , you knew your dad . " the father ' s influence in the workplace is really one of the best - kept secrets , " he said . poulter co - authored an earlier book on mothers and daughters called mending the broken bough
    波尔特还指出: “许多人会说‘我从不了解我的父亲’ ,其实,你了解你母亲对他的怨气,你对他的愤怒,你认为他是一个失败者。
  • In the father factor , stephan poulter lists five styles of fathers - super - achieving , time bomb , passive , absent and compassionate mentor who have powerful influences on the careers of their sons and daughters
  • But those same children may have trouble feeling safe and developing trust , said poulter , a clinical psychologist who also works with adolescents in los angeles area schools
  • Styles of fathering can affect whether their children get along with others at work , have an entreprenurial spirit , worry too much about their career , burn out or become the boss , poulter writes . even absent fathers affect how their children work , he writes , by instilling feelings of rejection and abandonment
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