The drug has lost its potence by being exposed to moisture . 这药因受潮失去了效力。
Teamwork consciousness and strong enterprise is the potence headspring 团队意识与强烈的事业心是公司力量不竭的源泉。
The vpvt is the method of having saving energy potence , but it is more difficult to realize vpvt 其中vpvt法具有最大的节能潜力,但是这种控制方法的实现却是比较困难的。
Incentive is important content of human resources management and is effective method of opening out human potence 激励是人力资源管理中的重要内容,是挖掘人力资源潜能的有效手段。
Shanghai kalee wopu machinery co . , ltd has rich rechnology potence , advanced manufucture equip prefectcheck & test apparatus and management system 上海开利涡普机械有限公司技术力量雄厚,生产设备先进,检测试验仪器俱全,并具有完善的管理体系。
Semiconductor laser large - screen color tv ( slltv ) is a sort of new - style large - screen color tv . it has a wide foreground and a good developing potence 半导体激光大屏幕彩色电视作为新型的大屏幕彩色电视系统,具有广阔的发展前景和良好的发展潜力。
Our company holds the abundant potence of technic and has the strong ability of empoldering . the developing cycle is very short and can satisfy the especial request of different consumer 坩埚、发热板、发热片本公司技术力量雄厚,开发能力强,研制周期短,可满足各类用户的特殊要求。
The organizational system consists of shareholder conference , board of directors and supervision committee , the effectiveness of which is in close relationship with the efficiency and potence of the corporation 其中,股东大会、董事会、监事会构成了现代公司的组织体系。它的设置的合理性及能否有效运行关系到公司的效益与生命。
Decreasing state capital is a special financial affairs , which should be done by a financial body possessing absolute financial potence . it is an appropriate choice that the state asset management commission acts as the body 国有资本减持是一种特殊的财务运作,应当由具有独立财权的财务主体来进行,以国资委为财务主体进行国有资本减持并承担风险是目前阶段恰当的选择。