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用"pontryagin"造句"pontryagin"怎么读"pontryagin" in a sentence


  • 庞特里亚金
  • 蓬特里亚金


  • In chapter 6 , with the results of above chapters , we discuss the optimal control problems for weak - smooth system and draw a conclusion coinciding with that of smooth system , i . e . , the pontryagin ' s maximum principle ( see th 6 . 2 . 7 )
    第六章,在以上各章结果的基础上,研究了弱光滑系统的最优控制问题,得到了与光滑系统一致的结果? ?庞特李雅金类型的最大值原理(即定理6
  • Abstract : the paper emphasizes on exoatmospheric antimissile missile rapid reaiming problem , and according to pontryagin ' s maximum principle the optimal control law in the conditions of long miss distance and long elimination time is presented
  • The other method is pontryagin maximum value principle dealing with low thrust control problem . however when the system is very complex , especially when the system contains uncertain factors , the method is not effective
  • The second , it is proposed that a foc mentioned above can be modeled with a fast time optimal position control system based on the pontryagin ' s minimum principle , which may become a speed - sensorless time optimal one by using speed estimator
    接着,分析了pontryagin极小值原理,指出用bang - bang开关信号可对上述系统实现最优时间控制,若速度量采用估计,则生成无速度传感器的时间最优系统。
  • The traditional optimization technique usually combined the fundamental goal of the controller and performance criterion into a single performance index to be minimized by applying technique based on bellman ' s principle of optimality or pontryagin ' s minimum principle . this view of control is designed to obtain the best solution
  • First , the backward kolmogorov equation for the conditional reliability function and the pontryagin equation for mean first - passage time and then - associated boundary and initial conditions are derived based on the stochastic averaging methods for quasi non - integrable , quasi integrable and quasi partially integrable hamiltonian systems , respectively
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