ponca n. 1.(pl. Ponca(s)) 2. 彭加人〔在内布拉斯加州和俄克拉荷马州保留地的美洲印第安人部落〕。 3. 彭加语。 adj. 彭加人的。
But, with all his wealth, ponce was not happy . 庞塞虽然很有钱,但并不愉快。
Ponce was as heartless and unfeeling as any wild beast . 帮塞毫无心肝,凶残犹如野兽。
Ponce was not a man to waste time in any undertaking . 庞塞是位做任何事情都不耽搁时间的人。
Ponce was not a man to waste time in any undertaking . 帮塞是个不论办理什么事都不浪费时间的人。
No one had ever seen the fountain, but ponce understood that every one had heard of it . 从来没有人见过这个泉,但是庞塞明白,人人都听说过这个泉的。
They went on along the dock carrying their guitar and banjo toward where the light and the singing were coming out of the open door of the ponce de leon . 他们俩拿着吉他和班卓,上了码头朝邦斯德利昂走了。灯光和歌声都从那儿开着的大门里透出来。
Star of love composed by jescha heifetz adapted by m . m . ponce 小星星作曲:海菲茨改编:塞
And don ' t be leaving it to that pair of ponces , cody and tiptoes , 别把这事交给那些废物